Friday, January 2, 2015

A Year of Big Changes

Happy New Year!

Over the past months, I have been working a lot on my health/development project, as well as my career+family project. This means I've had an outlet for both topics I tend to cover in this blog, and have neglected this space here - also for the lack of time.

For the next six months, I'm picking up the pace on work, and you can expect even less blogging here. After several weeks of sleepless nights, I decided to accept a full-time office job offer. I weighed principles ("a regular office job is too rigid for me") with practicalities ("I've had a great experience with this job so far, and would be sad to leave"). I also, for the first time, felt like I can't afford to start from scratch at this age (35) anymore, and that, despite our stable household income, I want to earn my own, stable income - and have a stable job identity.

I also accepted the job because my employer supports me in my situation - as a mother. And not only as a mother of three, but as an expectant mother of a fourth.

Yes, an absolutely crazy year ahead. And I'm putting to practice what I preach. I'll muddle through. And in a year or two, I'll be happy I did.

Because I love my job.

And I'm not getting younger!

May all of your wishes for 2015 come true. Take a leap of faith and a first step.