Thursday, January 16, 2014

Social media and email friends - but would I recognize you on the street?

I have been sharing thoughts, statuses and private family pictures rather broadly on social media during the past years. I'm not one of those who has 2,356 friends on facebook (have I ever even met that many people?), but I realized I do share rather personal issues with people I wouldn't invite to my home. Until now, I thought that if seeing a baby or child grow up makes someone happy, even a rather random acquaintance (but one that I like, that's my criteria for these sites), or who wants to read my random thoughts, why not? But recently, I started sorting and went through my privacy settings. What was my criteria? Do I want to meet this person also in the future? Perhaps not, but some family and really old friends just deserve staying in the loop, in my view - I trust them. Have I shared a tete-a-tete cup of coffee with this person? That felt like a better criteria, but even here, some coffees took place 15 years ago, and the person has shown zero non-facebook interest in my life, or even intra-facebook a la liking and commenting. Is the relationship mutual? I share my kids, you share yours? I've been enjoying these types of posts, but realized that beyond fun family stories, I may not have a real relationship with the "friend" at all. I'll probably never meet the kids outside of facebook. So, finally, I found a good criteria: on top of the above, would I recognize the person on the street? I realized just how many people I know better on social media than in real life. And chop went the privacy setting, at least for the time-being. It may be very German, this data and privacy obsession, but more than that, I simply wanted to think about why I "connect" and "share" - and with whom. I may change everything again shortly, but again and again, it's good to realize who your "real friends" are. And that I thankfully know and I love each and every one of you!


  1. Oh I'm often so tempted to do this but try to be patient as by now I've noticed I find new things in common with 'old' people, ie. acquantances may later become friends

    1. Agree on revival issue, but another big factor is that, as my kids get older, I've also realized that they may want to (soon) define their own private areas - and not have silly photos plastered all over the internet by me….
