Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Meet me in the storage room

Some moms (for some reason have not seen dads do this) share brilliant commentaries about random experiences with their kids. I have a university friend from tbe UK who just makes me roll off my chair from laughter with 3-line conversation recaps she has with her son. A former teacher of mine just melts my heart with her similar conversations. I seriously think they should record (beyond FB) and publish these witty, hilarious and at times incredibly deep insights. I'm not as talented with such recollections, although kids just make conversations amazing, no matter whether recitable or not. But I do wish I would write up or save more memories of random phases or ticks my kids go through. Because sadly but truly, with three kids and a rather poor memory, I already mix up who did what, and forget things I never thougt I could. Words mis-spoken or mis-understood, funny songs or habits. Right now, my son (3 in 2 weeks) is going through a lovely phase (alongside horrible terrible two phases). he has been obsessed with a small acoustic guitar for a year now, but has expanded also into other instruments. Often several at one go. Trumpet, flute, drums. He plays concerts, and is quite a rocker (yes, you can rock to Jingle Bells, but his favorite is "I Follow/Deep Sea"). And because kids are quite creative, not only this, but the concerts now take place in our storage room, a tiny room where we have our washing maschine and junk crammed in. And now also "the band", and me. Life with kids never gets boring...or keeps you sitting on the sofa.

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