As you may have noticed, I have done a fair share of naval grazing in the past days. It's due to one simple fact: I'm at home alone with the kids. This means that I simply haven't had the time or energy to read articles that interest me.
Yesterday, for example, my day started at 5.30 am. My youngest decided to wake everyone up. As my youngest only naps for one hour during the day, the day felt pretty long - all three kids go to bed at around 8 pm. On such days, I'm happy if I manage to take care of emails after the kids are in bed. And I'm surprised that I don't fall asleep on the sofa more often.
Besides, yesterday I received news from across the Atlantic that is better than any exciting headline or comprehensively argued article. With my eyes barely open from exhaustion, I cried from joy to hear that my oldest, most wonderful friend has had her first child, and that both mother and baby are well.
What can possibly be more important and newsworthy?
Just now getting to catching up on the blog. Viele bussis from across the Atlantic!!