Monday, April 23, 2012

Single Parenting

This is a subject that I, thankfully, have close to zero experience on. I say thankfully, because, based on the occasional days and nights I spend alone with my three kids, I cannot think of many much more strenuous experiences. Sure, I have never worked as a 120-hour per week consultant, nor have I had to travel non-stop for work across different time zones. But many of you may understand what I mean when I say that work is like a vacation compared to being with the kids all the time. At work, you can at least, for five minutes, go to the bathroom on your own to have a breather. You may be lucky and be able to do this at your desk. You may even have a pretty relaxing lunch break occasionally. With small kids (age 3 or below), you cannot do any of the above. You are in action and responsible every waking second - and in my case these seconds begin at 6 am at the moment, 7 days a week, 366 days this year. Physical and mental exhaustion from full-time parenting is one reason why I am such an advocate of work (I have always found it difficult to have child care just for the sake of taking a break, although I have taken this necessary luxury with my third. Note: necessary. I seriously think I would collapse without this time around.) Many of my friends with small kids have much more difficult circumstances than I do. Husbands (note: always the husbands...) away for long work trips, working in a different city or country, or sadly gone for good. I cannot but be filled with wonder how they manage. I guess everyone just muddles through. As in every challenging situation, one finds a surprising amount of strength in oneself. One is forced to rely on others. And (I hope), one finds ways to take breathers where parenting couples would not think of looking. Others can write much more about this topic. This is just my little public praise for all those single parents out there. And my mini-pat on my own shoulder during yet another few days (and nights, as other parents will know) where I'm on my own with the kids.

1 comment:

  1. I'm patting both your shoulders here. You manage to do an incredible amount of thinking, reading, blogging, corresponding, etc. on top of your child-rearing and house-keeping - whether or not you are the lone adult at home on a given evening or not! But yes, single parents - they are truly awe-inspiring!! Hopefully everyone is strong enough to adjust to and rise to the level needed for their particular circumstances, but single parents do deserve extra kudos. I'll try to remember that when I have many people helping me out with the baby and I still feel overwhelmed and tired!! :P
