In the past days, I have been struggling with this blog, because it doesn't feel important. I received two rather devastating (life and death) messages from two close friends, and since then, most other matters seem rather irrelevant.
It's time to look at a bigger picture, and focus on what truly matters (to me, at least): The health and happiness of friends and family.
At the end of the day, I don't think it matters whether one's friendships are with women, men, grandmas, teenagers, or other. It's enriching to have a diverse group of friends, from different geographical regions, generations, religions, sexual orientations, etc.
So far in my entries, I have been writing as if there were two (or maybe three) sets of people in the world: men, women (and women with kids). It's of course not that clear-cut in reality. I don't in daily life look at my friends and categorize them this way.
And maybe this is one problem with my blog analysis so far. I have so far written about a very limited group of people whom I encounter: moms with kids. In reality, my relationships are far more diverse, even among this group.
This blog entry turned out to be a bit of an unintended qualifier: the world is always more complex.
Yet it's also a qualifier in the opposite direction: the important things are simple. To my friends out there, you know what I mean.
Sorry to hear! I have been out of the loop and am catching up on your entries, in case you hadn't noticed by my commenting :) xoxo from afar