Monday, February 10, 2014

Potential emplyee: woman, mother, mother of sick children

During the past weeks of never-ending illnesses (current: eldest child throwing up all over the train), I have been refining my view on the "women in the workforce" debate. I went from "you women without children have no clue about real challenges" to "only women with sick children really have to battle". I could continue to "only single mothers with..." or "only ill mothers with..." or "women lacking finances..." or "women lacking education...". There a kazillion sub-categories, and I'm listing these to underline that I am fully aware that my position is not unique, nor really challenging. Single, traumatized women with 7 ill children, displaced in DRC - that's what is a REAL challenge. These are "luxury" challenges that I write about. And again, just to caveat, many of these "women" issues can apply to men/dads as well. But to finish off my train of thought: After thinking about who "really" struggles, I came a full circle and realized what a potential employer sees in any young(ish) woman is the risk of becoming pregnant, having several kids, having kids who are ill a lot of the time. It doesn't really matter whether the kids are there yet or still possibly coming. Or if there are any even planned. We're all in the same boat at some level. And I again had more sympathy towards young, early-20-year olds, who think their "career-family" balance is a struggle. Because, in most cases, it will be.

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