Monday, February 24, 2014

Dear Diary - Post 300

Those of you who have known me for longer know that I can produce a lot of text. A loooot of text. So it will not come as a surprise that this is my 300th post on this blog. Thanks to those who are still following, or occasionally take a peek.

It has been a lovely week. We're still struggling with some mild illnesses, but it is sunny outside, I have had lots of time to do things I enjoy, and meet lovely people. And it has been a strange week, because suddenly, my motivation to work or somehow further educate myself to become a more knowledgeable productive person in my field has taken a nosedive. I am starting to perceive myself as someone not just temporarily "on a break" from my work and field, but someone who is slipping out of my field. And work life.

I know that, in the medium term, this will undermine my personal happiness and contentment. But I'm suddenly in a phase of doubt. Who I am professionally? What am I worth? What are my competencies? Where's the love for my topic suddenly disappeared to? My passionate interest? It all suddenly feels so distant. Am I giving up?

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