Saturday, February 8, 2014

Mothers' works networks

A friend of mine recently emailed me a link to a company that specializes in connecting mothers to employees. A nice idea, and one that I would have applauded a year ago, thinking "yes, get those moms back into the workforce". I'm not so sure about it anymore. I'm not so sure whether moms (and here I also mean dads) should return to the workforce as we currently know it, where 9 to 5 seems more like 5 to 9 for employees (or 7 to 11, i.e. being available all of our waking hours). Sure, these are certain jobs that I'm talking about, one's which work a lot with email and phone, and assume that a laptop and phone is part of an employees standard outfit. A year on, I believe it's time - for myself at least - to rethink. It is possible to combine work and family. Fulltime. I've proven that to myself. But the cost is high : there's practically zero own time. If quality time means going to the gym before the kids wake up (as Michelle Obama used to do), or eating into one's sleep after closing work emails at it worth it? Again, I am fully aware what a luxurious situation I am in. I have a choice. But I also have a choice to help those who are forced to give up their wellbeing and sanity for financial reasons, or other pressures. And I may not succeed, but I hope that - at least in theory - I will come up with some ideas for myself (and hopefully also others) on how we could make the best out of both worlds, on TOP of our own world. Because work-life balance for parents cannot mean only work-child balance. It's not sustainable, and is a model that is bound to fail. Any thoughts?

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