Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lots of chaos in the world (news)

I spend a lot of my time reading the news at the moment. I feel a bit thrown back into my first masters degree, as I studied international relations then, and my days were filled with analyzing power, conflict and cooperation. I now instead read about power, conflict - and less about cooperation, and I don't do much analysis.

It's slightly scary to follow the news these days, with hopes of autocratic regimes being thrown over turning into hopelessness of countries falling into chaos. Russia just seems to have announced that it will intervene in the Ukraine. I spent most of my evening yesterday talking about the current situation in Venezuela (with a Venezuelan friend who follows his country's news very closely). Syria is just overtaking Afghanistan with the most refugees in the world. Egypt just toppled another head of state. South Sudan and the Central African Republic are in violent and full chaos, and the UN just published a report on North Korea, stating that they may just have overtaken Nazi Germany in acts of horror against their population.

I often try to end an evening with the kids with a question "what was the nicest thing about your day today?", so perhaps I'll try to end this blog post with the same question. Do I recall anything positive from what I've read so far today? I don't. Which is mainly a sign about the papers I read, because there is always lots of positive in the world as well. I'll try to share a positive story next time. Or perhaps you can send me one?  

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