Friday, January 25, 2013

40-day Fast

I have fasted every year before Easter for a long time now, and usually choose to give up what I find most difficult, which is coffee. Some years, I have tried a "good deed" fast, but that's one that I find difficult to carry out in practice. My kids fast "for fun" with me, and I have been pretty impressed at how a 3-year old can already abstain for 40 days from e.g. gummi bears or smarties (think of all those birthday cakes and muffins at kindergarden). We've had some funny fasts when our girls were small, including also tomato juice or eating cars. My husband - after a decade - has joined us, although he often forgets to abstain from his choice after day two. This year, I have decided to go for coffee again. I don't drink much, but my two espressi a day are vital, both for my head physically, to get rid of grumpiness and tiredness, but also because I absolutely love the taste and "ceremony". I was discussing this with the kids yesterday, and my eldest (6) said she would try to be less greedy, but then decided this may be something to try when she's "older". My kids agreed that I should try to raise my voice less with them (very true). But my daughter age 5 was a heartbreaker when she said, based on what we often commend about her character, which is to share and be a kind person to others, that she will try to be "a less kind person". Two weeks to the toughest 40 days of the year.

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