Thursday, July 5, 2012

It's Iron, Stupid!

The US elections don't feature strongly in Europe at the moment due to the Euro-crisis. A shame, actually, as it's fun to follow, also from a more detached European perspective. In any case, I'm abusing a quote from previous elections, and am releived to say that my health trials and tribulations of the past 9 (!) months seem to have a simple explanation: it's the iron, stupid! I have never really been ill before (I have never even been on antibiotics), but this time has driven me crazy. As when kids are ill, never ever google symptoms. Mine have lead me to pages on HIV, diabetes, cancer, and food allergies against pretty much everything other than avocados. I have been prescribed eight different medicines, some of which made me vomit. And why? Because as my wonderful GP told me, whom I finally went to in the end as my specialist doctor "did not know what else I could take", a simple blood test costs a doctor a lot, so many try to avoid it at all costs. Un-be-lie-va-ble. But what a relief. (On the side, he complimented that I am in very good shape after having three kids: note to husband...)

1 comment:

  1. What a rollercoaster... Happy and relieved both the cause and solution have been found and that the latter is such a simple one!
