Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Important vs. Unimportant Things

We often have the following argument at home, especially when tired: What are "unimportant" things? For my husband, anything related to organizing the flat and dwelving in silly details. I recall this same pattern from my own parents. My mom would be obsessed about finishing some sewing detail, while the rest of the family was waiting, fully dressed, to leave somewhere or other. The older I get, and the more tired, the more I see my mother in myself. Take this morning. I had planned to get a kazillion things organized last week, before we leave on vacation. Including doing annual things such as cleaning out the fridge and freezer. Well, it didnt happen, because my husband lay in bed with an evil tonsillitis for five days, and I had to run the kids and household, and couldnt have the babysitter here. To top things off, thanks to Mr Murphy I spent last night at ER with my youngest. Not having slept, I rationally decided to clean the fridge out in the morning. Unimportant or important? Obviously the prior. But if I'd sit around "resting" all day long, who would do all these things? I'm not a "maƱana" person, nor do I suddenly decide to employ extra help to deal with my kazillion to do list items, each and every one definitely unimportant on its own. But important to me. (The mood at home is obviously great, apologies for a rant.)

1 comment:

  1. Wait, is it possible I am turning into your mother, too?? :)
