Monday, December 9, 2013

Pick your job as you would a partner

When I metmy husband, it was love at first (6-day) sight. We have been together (albeit at times not in the same country) for 16 years. In the first years, before we got engaged, married, had three kids and bought a flat, I asked myself every single day whether I want to be with this man, and answered yes. I'm currently - or for the past ten years - trying out the same strategy with a job. Is it love at first sight? Do I think i could be happy, and could the feeling be mutual? Am I able to see myself partnering with this "company" for most of my waking life for the next years? Is the love mutual? I'm with age becoming increasingly picky, and decreasingly desperate. I wont even start an "affair" if I can see it wont lead anywhere. I give a potential relationship a try, but if it's clear there is no future, I'm not staying just because I dont want to risk being alone. I've been so miraculously, tremendously lucky with my private life - I am a naive, romantic optimist: my true love job is out there somewhere. There to find, to find me (or maybe I just have to create it). Some"one" who values me for who I am, who gives as well as accepts to take, whose world is richer because we are together, and not going alone..... (giggle giggle, as a romantic teenager would - not an old, bitter cynic!)

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