Friday, December 27, 2013

Filling up the empty (work) space

Work not only means achievement, impact, rewards and social networks to me - it is also something that helps me structure my days. I always like having a lot to do, and am not a master in creating my own tasks. To be honest, I'm miserable at it. Give me a task and I'll be creative, meticulous, determined, and full of endurance. Tell me to just do something and I'll be bored out of my wits after two hours, and start doing things like using Post-its to dust my keyboard cracks and reading the same online newspaper's headlines every seven minutes. Achievement, impact, reward and network effect at exactly zero.

So, before I figure out my new "tasks" for 2014, I've got some place-fillers stacked up. A daily newspaper delivered. A renewed gym membership. And a huge stack of DVDs. That will get me through one or two weeks, and after that I'll have to have used the time on the treadmill, the active brainpower moments while watching movies, and the moments when I run out of news stories (and a few coffees, walks and talks later), hopefully know what direction I need to take. There are already a few applications in the works as well, but as I tend to be with these, my hopes are not overly high. It's good to know that there have been a couple of things "out there" that have interested me, though.

Oh, or the kids may just do one of their usual "let's all get sick after each other for four weeks in a row", and I can delay any own "thinking time" to later.

With these random thoughts, enjoy the last few days of 2013.

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