Sunday, May 19, 2013

Impacting - who, what and why

I'm on facebook, twitter and on this blog. I always have to laugh when I see some other people's facebook/twitter/blog statistics. 1,500 friends, 30,000 followers on twitter, 15,000 blog followers. I laugh because a) that's so incomparable to my "stats", and b) I'm positively impressed at the impact these people are having on other people. Or are they? I guess it depends on who's following, what is being followed in terms of substance, and why the writer/poster is posting. Especially the latter is interesting, because the motivation to share can be so diverse. In today's FT weekend (courtesy of travelling husband who brings home newspapers), there was an article that people who actively post on social media are happier than those who don't. And most don't care whether their posts are "liked", re-tweeted or reviewed. They have the feeling that someone out there cares, even if they do not actively signal this. I think I belong to this category. Of course it's cool if you suddenly "trend" on twitter (I don't!), or get 720 likes for a comment on facebook (I don't), or see that 2,376 people read today's blogpost (guess..?). But even if one friend sees something I post, smiles, or thinks about some issue because of it, I'm happy. My impact? Does it matter....? An ode for more people to share ideas! I'll follow, smile or frown, and what be happy to read what you are thinking.

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