Monday, February 4, 2013

Kids - Adults Ratio

For three small kids, having two adults around makes life a lot easier. One adult can easily handle two kids: three is a bit of a stretch, especially if one tries to run household chores (cooking etc) at the same time. Especially when the kids get older and start having hobbies / visiting friends, having two sets of feet to pick kids up is a huge help. Where we live in Berlin, literally across from our kindergarden and school, and with friends nearby, I have managed fairly well on my own with this juggle (albeit exhausted). I'm terrified of what happens once we move, when we cannot live within 50 meters from our school, and where there is no late-afternoon coverage for our youngest. And we both work full time. How. On. Earth. Will. We. Organize. This? Sleepless nights galore.

1 comment:

  1. dont panic iam sure you have a plan up your sleeve!
