Friday, November 23, 2012

Praise to the Husband

Praise to the husband, who has organized a birthday morning worthy of a queen. I have been pampered, luxuriously so. Thank you. Every woman deserves a husband like mine for birthdays. Think massive flower bouquet, Sacher-cake ordered from Vienna, beautiful presents galore, a thoughtfully written card, candles, singing. And he even organized a little monkey to dance for me when I woke up to all of this. And two little princesses.

Praise also to the husband who during the past weeks has tried his best to do even more than he usually does. Who has taken the kids to school and care on several mornings before rushing to work, who has brought up the paper for me before doing so, who has even taken down the trash before doing all of this. Who volunteers to sleep on the mattress next to our youngest's bed, as we are sleep training him to sleep outside of our bedroom, so that I can sleep properly. Who makes sure he mentions that he has read my blog.

I'm not an easy person to live with. I have demands that are too high. I am very grumpy when tired, and before I have my morning coffee. I'm often tired. I often can't get enough coffee.

I wish I could be more grateful.


  1. But, we love you! And that husband of yours. And your monkey-boy and princesses as well!

  2. You are too hard on yourself. But you know that! I don't suppose that husband of yours is doing all this because you are such a grumpy, difficult person. Clearly you inspire him and he loves and appreciates you. Just when, in your last post about spouses needing to share housework more evenly, I was thinking all these glowing thoughts about my husband - who does more than the lion's share of the work around the house - you go ahead and post this. Now the poor guy is going to get an earful about my last birthday celebration ;) Unfortunately, I don't have a leg to stand on - his birthday passed with barely a whimper this year... oops.
