Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Friends, My Winners

Here are two more quotes from the book "Back on the Career Track".

The first is dedicated to you-know-who-you-are:

"Surround yourself with winners - with people who you want to become or be like. This doesn't mean only people who are accomplished in material ways, but also those with an approach to life or moral values consistent with yours or worth emulating". Yes, I do mean you, my friends - my winners.

The second is dedicated to a broader group (of women), but also to the above (there's always room for improvement, dears, and many of you will have a good laugh here):

"Give your mind high-quality 'nutrition'. Pay attention to what you read, what you watch on TV, and what you listen to on the radio. Improve the quality of these inputs whenever possible." (both p.33)

1 comment:

  1. This blog provides both of these requirements for me: the thoughts of an amazing, inspirational friend who I wish I could talk to more often in person, and high-quality discourse on interesting topics! Why do I have to worry about doing anything when I can claim friends like you as an asset. I'll just sit here and surf the net after I'm done catching up on the posts :)
