Saturday, September 8, 2012

(Berlin) MitteSchön

One of my favorite magazines is a free monthly for Berlin-Mitte, called Mitteschön It mainly covers young people living here and new shops or developments in the area (a few dozen blocks around us). The funny thing is that it covers a life that I see but am not a part of (aside from the cafes). That is, it covers the young, hip, creative industry, such as trendy fashion label discoveries, new store concepts, or graphic designers etc. I know a few people working in such industries through our various school / kindergarden groups, but otherwise, it is a different universe from my world (consultants, ministries, etc.). I love walking past these stores, and seeing these people - all very individual and creative. And I enjoy having gotten to know this world at least a bit through the parents of my kids' friends. Would I enjoy walking past single houses with large gardens in the same way as I enjoy watching new temporary stores and whatnot spring up in every empty slot? Not to say that creative, unique people do not live in the outskirts - it's just that this is all not as visible in such areas. Berlin-Mitte, with all your horrible tourists (I still include myslef in this group), broken bottles and dog poo, wie schön! (ps I found some of my friends on the following cool site which interviews creative people in their own homes).

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