Before three small kids joined our life and home, my life was pretty organized. As was our home. I've had to let things slip slightly, because as anyone with kids knows, order is not their highest priority, and unless you want to go mad, it's best to just let be once in a while. I still spend a great deal of time telling the kids to put things back into their places (the girls are pretty good at this, but need prodding), and doing the eternal pile-sorting that moms do (or give up on). I don't like accumulating "stuff", so I feel like I'm constantly giving things away to friends or charity.
The problem with an upcoming move is that I go into "sorting overdrive". It's still a long time off (next summer), but everywhere I look in our home, I see things that need to "go" before we leave. Books, CDs, picture frames, some furniture. I have this mental to-do-list of who may want what, and what needs to be put on ebay or donated. After the last move (1.5 years ago, literally just down the street), I try not to keep paper or electronic to-do-lists anymore. My youngest was 2 months old then, and I had him glued to my breast and a folder of to-do-lists by my side day and night. It was a bit much.
Most people would just pack up and leave, think about it a few weeks before, and say "whatever, let's just sort in the new home, if at all". I admire that ability to relax, ignore to-do-lists, and just be.
Ps Thanks for all who have sent emails and commented on my last post on donating to charity. I saw a great ad for Doctors without Borders, I think that might be this year's destination. 100 million, anyone?
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