Friday, August 17, 2012

Burned Bridges

I am a rather moody person, both in my private life and professionally. In the latter I have learned to be more patient, but at some point, if something isn't working, I make this pretty clear (not always very diplomatically). This is not a very useful trait for my career, but on the other hand, I believe in staying true to oneself and others - there's not much more that I hate than backstabbing or lies. In any case, the price of my openness (which has frequently resulting in bridge burning) is that there is now a rather ideal opening in one of my past work places, but the bridge to returning is probably gone. I am giving it a careful tread, just to see whether I have misjudged the situation, but I am rather certain that my foot will tread on air. For a reason, probably, and I will value this closed option later on, when some other option works out in stead.

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